
What I will be doing in Ecuador!

It was going to be perfect. I would be married to a man that would make all of the decisions about when where and how we would be missionaries. We would live some where in Africa and do something that would be considered mission work. ---- These were my plans for my future at the age of seven. But, God had other plans...

The dream changed "slightly" when I went to Ecuador in 2009. God showed me that in His plan for me (at least for right now) I didn't need a man to make the decisions. I needed to trust Him and He would show me what to do.

Well, I was able to "see the dream" a little more clearly when I visited Ecuador in October. I made decisions about the city I will be living in and the school that I will teaching in. It was exciting to meet some of the missionaries that I will be working with when I get to Ecuador. It was also encouraging to talk to some missionaries that finished raising their support and have just arrived in Ecuador.

Where I will be living:

Shell, Ecuador -- At the bottom of the Andes Mountains and at the edge of the Amazon Jungle

Shell is a smallish city about 5 hours from the capital city of Quito. The temperature is always warm (going towards hot). It is safe for women to walk alone on the streets during the day, and at night to walk around with another woman or group. [ This was extremely comforting for my parents to hear]

What I will be doing:

Teaching at the Nate Saint Memorial School for children whose parents are missionaries in Shell.
     Nate Saint Memorial School is a small school that has around 30 students in grades K-8. The teachers at the school are all missionaries. This helps keep the cost down for the parents because the teachers do not get paid through the school. 
     If you look close enough in the picture, you can see the line of bicycles against the wall of the school. The children usually ride their bikes to school. At lunch, the children all ride their bikes back home for lunch.
     Because there are only 4 teachers for 9 different grades of children, the teachers all end up teaching subjects to all of the grades. For example, one teacher might teach Math to 1st-2nd grade students during the first part of the day. Later she might teach Science to 7th-8th grade students. 

There will be more to come in later posts about other things that I might be able to be involved in when I arrive in Shell. Until then, take time to view some of the other photos that I took while on my trip to Ecuador!


Day 1 of Vision Trip

Day 1 (October 15, 2010)

I made it to Quito, Ecuador last night around 6:15pm. I had no trouble with my flights. The only problem happened when I couldn't find my luggage. But that was becuase someone had taken my baggage of the turning wheel. I eventually found it and was able to get through customs.

I am staying in a wonderful place called "The Guest House". I have my own room and bathroom. They serve a family style breakfast.

I toured the HCJB Global Headquarters. Its amazing the history to this place. I was able to see the radio broadcasting room where they produce radio programs that go out all over the world.

I also toured the hospital. The hospital is staffed by both Ecuadorian resident doctors  and nurses and missionary doctors and nurses with HCJB Global.

The school, Alliance Academy, was very impressive. They have over 500 students there. You almost foreget that you are in a foreign country when you are in that school. The building is wonderful and the students are not lacking in their education. They have home ec classes as well as art and music and sports.


Loving People vs. Being Nice

       While doing some reading for my Biblical Counseling class, I was confronted about how I do not show love to the people around me. I was reading from Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul David Tripp. The chapter was really about Biblical rebuking of other Christains. However, I was truly convicted about how little I share the gospel with people who are under the wrath of God for their sins, and dying and going to hell.
       This is the statement in the book that truly summarizes the whole chapter. "The truth is that we fail to confront {share the gospel}, not becuase we love others too much, but becuase we love ourselves too much." Think about it. What do we usually think or even say about telling friends and family about the gospel? "I don't want a confrontation." "I don't want to ruin the friendship." "I don't want them to think I am being judgemental." What do all these statements reveal about our hearts. We love our relationship with this person more that we love God. We love peace, respect, and appreciation more than we love God.
       We should view our unwillingness to share the gospel with the people as an act of rebellion. God speciffically told us to "Go and Make Disciples." Today, God called me to look at how often I have chosen to be silent , when God was calling me to be a part of His gospel proclamation to the nations.
       "Love is doing what is best for someone... Not to show people the all-satisfying God is NOT to love them"--John Piper in Don't Waste Your Life.  I have always like this quote, but today, I realized the truth of this statement. I also realize the truth that God has  commanded us to love God and people. When we do not share the gospel with people, we act unloving to them. We are sinning against God, because He has commanded us to love people.


Who is this God we praise?

On Sunday at church, we sang this song written by Josh Poore, "The God We Praise". I felt that this song was fitting in light of last weeks blog.

The God We Praise
by Josh Poore

He made the sun to light the day, the moon and stars, the crashing waves
He heard the cries His people made. When hope had died His love remained.
This is the God we praise. Now we will remember the promise You made.
Faithful and gracious salvation You gave. Let every saint proclaim:
    "the Lord will reign forever and ever."
When we were dead in sin and death, His Son became our righteousness.
He is our strength now let us sing for Jesus Christ our risen King. Forever we will exalt You.
You have delivered us
You have delivered us
You are the God we praise

The whole song was fitting and wonderful. However this line really stuck out to me. Instead of being like the Israelites who became fearful and wanted to return to slavery, we should be like this song says. WE WILL REMEMBER THE PROMISE YOU MADE, FAITHFUL AND GRACIOUS SALVATION YOU GAVE. He has delivered us from bondage to sin . He is our strength. Jesus Christ is the risen King. We should exalt Him forever.


Return to Slavery-- Really?
Today, I was reading Numbers 14. Just a recap on what had happened right before this chapter- The 12 spies had just returned and reported about what they had found in the Canaan. 10 of the spies report that there is no way that the Israelites could conquer the inhabitants of the land. Only Joshua and Caleb trust God's power based on past circumstances.
Now to chapter 14- So do the people listen to Joshua and Caleb or to the most popular opinion? You guessed it. Majority rules. So the people start complaining to Moses. Now remember, in Eygpt they were slaves that were treated very cruelly. The people want to know why God brought them out of the Eygpt. FOrgetting (or ignoring) all of the powerful things God had done to provide for and protect the Israelite people, the people doubt that God has power to protect them and conquer the inhabitants of Canaan for them. They wanted to pick a new leader, someone other than the leader that God had put in charge of them, to take the back to Eygpt--Slavery! 
At first glance, we might think how foolish of those Israelites to want to go back to slavery rather than trust God. But wait, we do the same thing. As Christians we have been set free from slavery to sin. When we choose to sin instead of obeying God we choose to willingly return to the thing that enslaved us. Just as the Israelites doubted God's ultimate plan, we doubt that God knows best, and we choose our own leader/lord- ourselves and sin. 
This humbled me today. I am so gratefull for my salvation that freed me from my bondage to sin, and made me right with God. How could I  return to that same slavery willfully? 

Lord, forgive me for not submiting to your Lordship in my life. Every time I sin I am making a conscious choice to choose myself as my leader back to bondage. Remind me of this Father, so that I remain in You.


Imagine living in a place where becoming a Christian can mean being rejected by your family, losing your job or even facing the death penalty for “blasphemy.” Would it be worth the risk? Where would you fellowship with other believers? How could you learn more about the Bible? Could you share your faith with anyone? For people like *Barnabas, born in the deserts of North Africa, it’s well worth the risk. His life felt empty, and he didn’t know how to fill it up. His traditional faith wasn’t working for him, so he turned to a cult, but he was still left searching for answers. Eventually he met a Christian who gave him a Bible and invited him to study it together. They became friends, and soon Barnabas came to Christ. Now he shares his faith with others and leads small prayer groups, knowing every day it could cost him his life. Thousands like Barnabas living in the North Africa/Middle East (NA/ME) Region depend on radio broadcasts to learn more about Jesus and grow in their faith. Christian radio programs—sent via satellite, shortwave and the Internet—are crossing cultural, political and religious barriers, presenting the gospel and encouraging believers in their walk with Christ. “Especially in North Africa, there’s a revival going on among Arabs because of the radio
programs,” said *Shadi who together with his wife, *Salwa, produce a variety of Christian radio programs for HCJB Global. In one North African country there are now about “80,000 believers, many attending small churches, who have come to the Lord as a direct result of radio,” he said. The Christians need a lot of teaching. An Arabic pastor who recently visited North Africa said, “Great work is being done to present the gospel to the masses through satellite Christian Arabic television, the Internet and radio. Most of the believers I met were saved through these means…. There is much hunger and thirst among new believers to grow in the Lord and please Him—a hunger not often seen in our churches here in the U.S.” Shadi and Salwa produce three weekly 15-minute programs, two fi ve-minute programs and several short spots about one minute long. One of Shadi’s programs concentrates on biblical teaching, addressing practical issues such as drinking, smoking, divorce and AIDS. One of the short spots answers listeners’ questions, giving the Bible’s perspective on facts from life or science. Another short feature provides biblical meditations. Another program produced within the region is aimed at prisoners, but many people outside of prisons have written to say they too are listening.


Animals and things in Colorado Springs!

Colorado Springs is just gorgeous. If I did not plan to move to Ecuador, I would definitely consider moving here! We are staying at a wonderful place called the Glen Eyrie. I love it here. The sites are just wonderful. We also see lots of animals. We saw wild turkeys and big horn sheep yesterday.                                                
Today, we had a free afternoon here in beautiful Colorado Springs! We went to the Focus on the Family building. We took a tour and also went throught the Adventures in Odyssey. It was lots of fun and a lot of good pictures!


Who is HCJB Global?

 • Since 1931, HCJB Global’s passion has been to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Through the practical tools of media and healthcare, the mission is touching lives and empowering the voice and hands of believers around the world.

Local believers are being equipped to impact their communities and the world as missionaries, pastors, broadcasters, and healthcare providers.

Together with partners, radio stations have been established in more than 350 communities and more than 120 languages and dialects.

Christ-centered healthcare through hospitals, medical clinics and community development programs is touching thousands of lives.

As the ministries of HCJB Global expand around the world, the powerful dynamic of media and healthcare has become evident.

Jesus spent much of His public ministry meeting physical needs and sharing hope! HCJB Global is following His example as they integrate media and healthcare to impact the world with His Truth.