
Loving People vs. Being Nice

       While doing some reading for my Biblical Counseling class, I was confronted about how I do not show love to the people around me. I was reading from Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul David Tripp. The chapter was really about Biblical rebuking of other Christains. However, I was truly convicted about how little I share the gospel with people who are under the wrath of God for their sins, and dying and going to hell.
       This is the statement in the book that truly summarizes the whole chapter. "The truth is that we fail to confront {share the gospel}, not becuase we love others too much, but becuase we love ourselves too much." Think about it. What do we usually think or even say about telling friends and family about the gospel? "I don't want a confrontation." "I don't want to ruin the friendship." "I don't want them to think I am being judgemental." What do all these statements reveal about our hearts. We love our relationship with this person more that we love God. We love peace, respect, and appreciation more than we love God.
       We should view our unwillingness to share the gospel with the people as an act of rebellion. God speciffically told us to "Go and Make Disciples." Today, God called me to look at how often I have chosen to be silent , when God was calling me to be a part of His gospel proclamation to the nations.
       "Love is doing what is best for someone... Not to show people the all-satisfying God is NOT to love them"--John Piper in Don't Waste Your Life.  I have always like this quote, but today, I realized the truth of this statement. I also realize the truth that God has  commanded us to love God and people. When we do not share the gospel with people, we act unloving to them. We are sinning against God, because He has commanded us to love people.


Who is this God we praise?

On Sunday at church, we sang this song written by Josh Poore, "The God We Praise". I felt that this song was fitting in light of last weeks blog.

The God We Praise
by Josh Poore

He made the sun to light the day, the moon and stars, the crashing waves
He heard the cries His people made. When hope had died His love remained.
This is the God we praise. Now we will remember the promise You made.
Faithful and gracious salvation You gave. Let every saint proclaim:
    "the Lord will reign forever and ever."
When we were dead in sin and death, His Son became our righteousness.
He is our strength now let us sing for Jesus Christ our risen King. Forever we will exalt You.
You have delivered us
You have delivered us
You are the God we praise

The whole song was fitting and wonderful. However this line really stuck out to me. Instead of being like the Israelites who became fearful and wanted to return to slavery, we should be like this song says. WE WILL REMEMBER THE PROMISE YOU MADE, FAITHFUL AND GRACIOUS SALVATION YOU GAVE. He has delivered us from bondage to sin . He is our strength. Jesus Christ is the risen King. We should exalt Him forever.


Return to Slavery-- Really?
Today, I was reading Numbers 14. Just a recap on what had happened right before this chapter- The 12 spies had just returned and reported about what they had found in the Canaan. 10 of the spies report that there is no way that the Israelites could conquer the inhabitants of the land. Only Joshua and Caleb trust God's power based on past circumstances.
Now to chapter 14- So do the people listen to Joshua and Caleb or to the most popular opinion? You guessed it. Majority rules. So the people start complaining to Moses. Now remember, in Eygpt they were slaves that were treated very cruelly. The people want to know why God brought them out of the Eygpt. FOrgetting (or ignoring) all of the powerful things God had done to provide for and protect the Israelite people, the people doubt that God has power to protect them and conquer the inhabitants of Canaan for them. They wanted to pick a new leader, someone other than the leader that God had put in charge of them, to take the back to Eygpt--Slavery! 
At first glance, we might think how foolish of those Israelites to want to go back to slavery rather than trust God. But wait, we do the same thing. As Christians we have been set free from slavery to sin. When we choose to sin instead of obeying God we choose to willingly return to the thing that enslaved us. Just as the Israelites doubted God's ultimate plan, we doubt that God knows best, and we choose our own leader/lord- ourselves and sin. 
This humbled me today. I am so gratefull for my salvation that freed me from my bondage to sin, and made me right with God. How could I  return to that same slavery willfully? 

Lord, forgive me for not submiting to your Lordship in my life. Every time I sin I am making a conscious choice to choose myself as my leader back to bondage. Remind me of this Father, so that I remain in You.