
This is really happening!

So time is really drawing near! Although I have been so excited to begin this journey, it has not seemed completely real yet. However, last week I received an email that really made this all seem like it's really happen.

The first day of school is August 25! Wow! That is not long from now. I also received the school handbook to read over. I don't know what grades/subjects I will be teaching. I probably will not know that until I begin teacher workdays in August.

The email also said that I have a place to live in Shell once I arrive. I was not worried about finding a place, but knowing that this is already secure is definitely reassuring. I will be living in the 2 bedroom apartment above the school. Hopefully, I will be able to find a roommate as well.

I am at 70% of my goal! If just 30 more people commit to giving $28 a month, I will reach my support goal!