
So Proud of my 1st and 2nd Graders!!

On Monday, during chapel my 1st and 2nd graders quoted Psalm 34 (22 verses) from memory. I was so proud of them. They were so excited and they did such a beautiful job. I recorded just for you guys :)

Psalm 34 1st and 2nd Grade (2) from Jennifer Kendrick on Vimeo.


School Pictures

A wonderful family here in Shell does the school's pictures every year. They do a wonderful job.
My 1st and 2nd grade class

School wide photo

And of course our serious photo
 We have testing next week so it should prove to be an interesting week.


Character Day

During the month of March, we had a Read-A-Thon. This was actually a lot of fun, and it was great to see the kids reading more and excited about the books they were finishing. The last day before Spring Break we had a fun Character Day. Each student (and teacher) came dressed as a favorite character. Everyone really got into it and there were a lot of great costumes.

I was Elizabeth from the Paper Bag Princess. If you have not read this children's book, it is about a princess who realizes that she doesn't need a prince to save her and tells the prince that although he has pretty hair and clothes, he is really just a bum.
Teachers on Character Day

All of the students and teachers dressed up in their costumes.

My Class- Junie B Jones, King Josiah from the Bible, Tiger from Winnie the Pooh, and Lucy from the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.